Thanksgiving was a lot of fun this year. We had a chance to see Rob's Father and my parents in two glutinous days. This year I made a pumpkin pie from a sweet pumpkin. I had never done this before because Martha Stewart told me that canned pumpkin was just as good. Rob had his heart set on a traditional pumpkin pie so I had fun giving it a go. I had to wash the sweet pumpkin. Cut it into small pieces, and then steam it on the stove top. When that was done, I scrapped the flesh from the skin and mashed it with egg and spices. It was pretty simple. And it turned out pretty tasty too.
After thanksgiving I also made a ham and cheese quiche. I would have made it turkey and cheese, but we didn't do the turkey thing this year.
Our lovely friend Anuar came for a visit this weekend and he is a lover of quiche. So I whipped one up this morning. This one had fried ham, onion, garlic, mushroom and queso cheese. Anuar bought a huge bag of queso cheese to make quesadillas and this cheese tastes great in quiche. I've decided Anuar needs to pay us another visit so I have a reason to make a queso, chorizo and jalapeno quiche... mmmm.
Our church had their traditional thanksgiving feast today. Most members brought a casserole or dessert. I brought a sweet potato pie. The crust turned out very nice. But the kitchen volunteers didn't know it was sweet potato and mixed the pre cut slices in which other people's pumpkin pie... So I think a few people had a surprise when they took a bite.
Our lovely landlords gave us some farm fresh eggs the other day. So I thought they would go perfect in a quiche. A normal quiche receipe calls for 4-6 eggs. But these chicken eggs were so small I used the whole dozen. This quiche turned out delicious, probably because it has way too much cheese in it.